• Homegrow- center
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    Mobil: +421 944 588 746
    IP telefon: +421 363 700 022
    Mon - Fri:: 9:00 - 17:00
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    za 0.00 €

Atami Cocos Substrate

The high quality coco fibres are sustainably ripened, washed and buffered to provide an optimal growth medium. For the first week of the growth cycle, the cocos contain sufficient nutrients.

 Then add water, liquid fertiliser and stimulants for optimum results. Cocos has a perfect structure that easily retains nutritious water, which is quickly absorbed by the plant's roots.

 The substrate also remains relatively light, allowing the roots to receive plenty of oxygen. As a result, plants develop a healthy and strong root system and grow at a rapid rate.

EC: 0.80 - 1.00

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