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Atami B'ounce substrate

Atami B'ounce is a pressed substrate. It is a coco mix consisting of coco chips, coco fibres and coco bits. All ingredients are buffered and rinsed.  Atami B'ounce can be considered as a pure substrate. The coarser coco bits keep the coco mix aerated, allowing more than enough oxygen to reach the roots.

The oxygen has a beneficial effect on the (rapid) development of a healthy and strong root system. In addition, the speed at which the root system can develop is greatly increased by the favourable (light) conditions, so the plants will grow even faster.

The coarser coir particles also provide good drainage. The fine coco particles (including the fibres and grains) act as a sponge, holding moisture longer, leaving enough (nutritious) water in the substrate for the plants. After soaking, Atami B'ounce will swell to a height of approximately 20 cm.

Atami B'ounce is available in small blocks of 18.5 x 18.5 cm. The height of the blocks is 6 cm. After watering it will expand to a height of 20 cm.

EC: 0.80

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