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Hydrobasket 5 cm ø

Basket pots are a crucial element in hydroponic and aquaponic systems. They provide the necessary support and ideal environment for plants to thrive, accommodating a wide range of plant sizes, from small lettuce and herbs to large tomato plants and other flowering and fruiting vegetables. 

Versatile Usage: This product is compatible with various systems, including NFT(Nutrient Film Technique), Deep Water Culture (DWC), top feeding systems, hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics, and flood and drain systems.
Durable and Flexible: The product is made from high-quality, flexible plastic netting that is resistant to cracking and degradation, ensuring longevity and reduced waste.
Easy Root Removal: The design of the product allows for easy removal of roots. The presence of long vertical openings on the sides of the pots facilitates the removal of roots when necessary.
Additionally, the large holes at the bottom of the pot promotes optimal airflow and drainage.

Size: Ø 5 cm
5 cm long

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