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Atami ATA NRG Upgrade 600 g

ATA NRG Upgrade is an organic fertiliser made from rock phosphate and plant-based ingredients. It contains rich organic nitrogen to support plant growth.

The organic nutrients in ATA NRG Upgrade are not immediately available, but rely on soil organisms for release. This process ensures the long-term availability of nutrients when your plant needs them.

 ATA NRG is suitable for various types of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, such as apples and raspberries.
  It can also be used for indoor and potted plants, such as Alocasia.

The required dosage can be adjusted to meet the needs of each individual plant or crop.

To fertilise the substrate, mix 3-6 grams of Upgrade per litre of substrate.
When mixing propagation soil, use 1-2 grams per litre of substrate.
To add more fertiliser, sprinkle 2-4 grams per litre on top of your substrate.


The fertiliser has an NPK ratio of 6-3-4 (weight/weight).

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