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Liquid flavour and aroma enhancer

This flowering additive is based on sugar beet molasses. It is rich in potassium (K). ATA NRG Flavour stimulates plant flowering and produces lush flowers.  

Potassium plays an important role in the sap flow of the plant. It will cause the plant to develop a more robust trunk and branches, which will result in a better crop. Adding ATA NRG Flavor to your regular plant nutrition will also have a positive effect on the taste and smell of your finished products.

ATA NRG FLAVOR can be used on
Various types of vegetables and fruit such as sweet peppers, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, melons, raspberries, etc.

Suggested use
Add during the last 2 weeks of the flowering phase. ATA NRG Flavour is suitable for all substrates. It is directly absorbed by the plant. It is an ideal fertiliser for the cultivation of almost all crops in soil, hydro or coco substrates. If irrigation systems are used, the only way to apply ATA NRG Flavour is by hand with a watering can. Otherwise there is a risk of clogging.

0.25 to 1.5 ml per litre of water.
K 7 W/W

 Varianty produktu
    • Dostupnosťnedostupné
    • s DPH78.12 €
    • Dostupnosťskladom
    • s DPH16.90 €
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