• Homegrow- center
  • Elérhetőség
    Mobil:+421 944 588 746
    IP telefon:+421 363 700 022
    Hétfő - Péntek:: 9:00 - 17:00
  • üres
    0.00 € -ért

LDPE pipe 16mm

LDPE pipes are mainly used in irrigation branch lines and can save a lot of time due to their easy installation and handling characteristics.

LDPE irrigation pipe is corrosion, chemical and UV resistant, ensuring long life in harsh outdoor conditions. Their smooth inner surface minimises friction, increasing water flow. LDPE pipes are also cost effective and environmentally friendly. They are recyclable and help to conserve water.

For drip irrigation, micro-irrigation

- Outer diameter: 16 mm

- Maximum pressure: 3.2 bar

- LPE pipe wall thickness: 1.1 mm

- Water delivery: max 17 litres/min

-Low cost, durable

- UV resistant

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