• Homegrow- center
  • Elérhetőség
    Mobil:+421 944 588 746
    IP telefon:+421 363 700 022
    Hétfő - Péntek:: 9:00 - 17:00
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Growth Technology Formulex

Valued for its utility and ease of use, Formulex has become an industry standard. It is a single solution with an amazing ability to maintain a stable pH due to its ground-breaking built-in buffering capacity. A surprisingly useful bottle to have around, Formulex can be used for almost any fertiliser requirement. Most people suggest it for seedlings and young plants in general, but it is suitable for use at all stages of growth and on a wide range of crops.
Growth Technology Formulex is a very versatile one-part mineral fertiliser that contains a full nutrient profile and is great for young plants.

Growth Technology Formulex can be used on seedlings, cuttings, young plants and veggies up to the point where they are ready to flower. Formulex is effective on plants grown in any medium and in any type of growing system. Growth Technology Formulex can be used once a week.

Dosage for soil: 5ml/litre.

Dosage for hydroponics: 10ml/litre.

Dosage for foliar spraying: 5ml/litre.

NPK: 2.4 - 0.9 - 3.4

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