• Homegrow- center
  • Elérhetőség
    Mobil:+421 944 588 746
    IP telefon:+421 363 700 022
    Hétfő - Péntek:: 9:00 - 17:00
  • üres
    0.00 € -ért


Improves the condition of your plant

ATA NRG Alga-C is an additive based on organic materials such as various seaweeds. It is rich in amino acids, trace elements, vitamins and natural phytohormones.

These components work together to prevent stress to the plant and to ensure that all of the needs of the plant are provided. The risk of disease and deficiency is drastically reduced and the condition of your crop is improved. Essential for growing healthy plants!

ATA NRG is suitable for
Various types of vegetables, fruit and herbs such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, cucumbers, coriander, chives, etc. The required dosage can be measured according to the needs of individual plants.

How to use
ATA NRG Alga-C can be used with every watering during the entire growing and flowering period. It is also effective as a foliar spray.

As a supplement: 2 - 5 ml per litre of water.
As a foliar spray: 1 - 3 ml per litre of water.

    • Elérhetőségnem elérhető
    • Áfával együtt27.60 €
    • Elérhetőségnem elérhető
    • Áfával együtt15.41 €
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