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Terra Aquatica Silicate

Terra Aquatica Silicate contains more than 60 minerals that provide more nutrients for plants to thrive on. Silicate is a micro element for plants, essential when growing hydroponically. Contains ancient deposits of biotransformed organic material and naturally formed silica.

The natural colloids of silica improve the cation exchange capacity of nutrient solutions, increasing nutrient availability to plants.

Silicate reduces stress on fast-growing plants by stabilising the pH and conductivity of the nutrient solution.

- Particle size is smaller for better silicate solubility.
- Contains more carbonates for better pH stability.
- Provides calcium to the plant.
- It also protects from metal toxicity.

Method of use:

At the base of each plant : 1 teaspoon (about 4g).
In the nutrient solution : 4 g/10 L
Powder directly on the leaves: 10 g to 50 g/m² 
Foliar spraying: 4 g for 10 L of water.

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