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Atami Rootbastic

For massive root growth!

Rootbastic is a root stimulator with a high concentration of N-P-K and a high dose of trace minerals. The mineral nutrients, a plant extract and amino acids are all present in a high concentration in Rootbastic.

Rootbastic contains relatively high NPKs for a root stimulator. However, the most important mineral is phosphorus. Phosphorus is the element that ensures the transport and storage of energy. It is an important part of the building blocks of cells and DNA.

Rootbastic can be used for

Suitable for various types of fruit, vegetables and herbs such as pumpkins, courgettes, cucumbers, potatoes, radishes, etc. Based on the NPK values, experienced growers can calculate the required dosage per plant.

When to use

Apply during the first 3 weeks of growth.
Before use shake well. The extra trace elements are essential for root development in the early stages of growth.

Suitable for growing in hydro, coco and soil.

Dosage instructions:
Week 1: 0.1 ml per litre of water.
Week 2: 0.2 ml per litre of water.
Week 3: 0.3 ml per litre of water.

Increases the EC value of the basic nutrient solution.

NPK value: NPK 4-14-4 W/W

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