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    Mon - Fri:: 9:00 - 17:00
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Voodoo Juice®

Voodoo Juice® contains four carefully selected strains of bacteria that work synergistically to optimize conditions for increasing the surface area of your root zone. Together, these bacteria can help support mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbiosis, creating a productive network of associations underground. The result is fuzzy, enriched roots that absorb optimal nutrition for a lush, bountiful crop.

  • Explosive yields due to improved nutrient uptake and water availability.

  • Converts atmospheric nitrogen into plant-available ammonia 

  • Enhances plant tolerance to abiotic (environmental) stress

  • Increases solubility of inorganic phosphates 

Voodoo Juice® is specifically designed for use with various hydroponic growing media and all continuous liquid feeding systems. These include aeroponics, drip and emitter, NFT, flood and drain and deep water culture.

Growth stage: 2ml/L for the first 2 weeks
Flowering stage: 2 ml/l in the first 2 weeks

Bacillus licheniformis.............................15 000 000 cfu/ml
Bacillus pumilus....................................15 000 000 cfu/ml
Bacillus subtilis.....................................10 000 000 cfu/ml
Paenibacillus polymyxa....................... 20,000,000 cfu/ml


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