• Homegrow- center
  • Elérhetőség
    Mobil:+421 944 588 746
    IP telefon:+421 363 700 022
    Hétfő - Péntek:: 9:00 - 17:00
  • üres
    0.00 € -ért

Grodan Plate 4x4 cm 98 pc

Grodan plugs and blocks are well known for their homogeneity and reliability. Uniform germination and high success rates are achieved with Grodan plugs. The shape and strength of the plugs are of a quality that makes them easy to handle, whether by machine or hand. Each plug has a uniform density, strength and fibrous structure.
This means that the distribution of water, nutrients and pH is also uniform, which has a positive effect on germination
and initial crop development. Grodan has many different AO plugs in different sizes to suit your needs. Each plug has been developed to work ideally with a specific application or crop.


Square size plugs that are joined together at the top of the plug.
- Plugs have a tapered base for improved transplanting
- Ideal plug for growing lettuce, leafy greens and herbs in hydroponic systems
- Great for germinating any seed or starting your cuttings

Size: AO 36x36x40 98 plugs

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