• Homegrow- center
  • Elérhetőség
    Mobil:+421 944 588 746
    IP telefon:+421 363 700 022
    Hétfő - Péntek:: 9:00 - 17:00
  • üres
    0.00 € -ért

Terra Aquatica Pro Roots

Pro Roots dramatically increases root growth, development. The result is a larger, healthier root mass, better resistance to mould and fungus (including damping-off in cuttings etc.), healthier and more vigorous plants from cuttings to maturity. The main ingredients in Pro Roots are plant extracts and minerals that have been carefully combined to provide the perfect support for the roots. Healthy roots are the foundation of any great crop, starting from seeds or cuttings.

How to use :
For best results, apply for 15 days to cuttings, seeds and repotted plants, then switch to Terra Aquatica Fulvic to support the growth of fine root hairs.

Add to water or nutrient solution or dilute as required for use as a foliar spray.

Solution : 2 ml/10L
Foliar spray: 0.1 ml/L (two drops per litre)

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