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Advanced Nutrients Piranha Liquid - Fungal Cultures for the Perfect Symbiosis
Microbes are tiny living organisms that make their home in the environment close to the roots, also known as the rhizosphere. They can be roughly divided into bacterial and fungal cultures. The microbes are essential for the formation and absorption capacity of the roots.

Advanced Nutrients' Piranha Fertilizer provides the root bed with beneficial fungal cultures that maximize its ability to absorb oxygen, nutrients and water. This makes it easier for your plants to develop a strong and highly branched root bed, which of course has an extremely positive effect on the harvest.

Fungal cultures form a symbiotic relationship with the tuberous root ends of your plants called mycorrhiza. Many plants in nature rely on this symbiosis to protect themselves from adverse conditions and stress. So-called hyphae (thread-like structures made of fungal cells) protrude from the fungi into the soil. These hyphae have such a small diameter that they open up even the smallest interstitial spaces. This results in an optimized uptake of water, nitrogen, phosphorus and various trace elements. The fungi take over the absorption and storage of nutrient salts, water and at the same time protect the roots of your plant from pathogenic organisms. In return, the fungus receives from the plant carbohydrates and other organic compounds that the fungus needs. The vitality of your plant will be increased and healthy development from cuttings to the final stage will be ensured.

Advanced Nutrients Piranha is 100% organic and works best when combined with Voodoo Juice and Tarantula Liquid for that extra dose of bacteria.

Directions and Dosage:
Store away from light and keep at 10-20 degrees.
1st-2nd week of growth: 2ml per liter of water
1st -2nd flowering week: 2ml per liter of water
Note: The dosage of Advanced Nutrients is based on a starting EC value of 0.0. Tap water usually has an EC value of about 0.5, so if you are watering with tap water, we recommend starting with half the dosage.
The dosage can then be slowly increased until the optimal range for your plants is found.

Advanced Nutrients Piranha Liquid is available in the following sizes:

0.25L / 250ml
0,5L / 500ml
1L / 1000ml
NPK: 0 - 0 - 0
Composition: organic
Plant stage: growth, flowering
Medium: soil, hydro, coco substrate


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