SUPERthrive is a highly concentrated plant growth stimulant that helps to greatly improve transplanting success and revive plants recovering from hail damage, frost and heat stress. Thoroughly soak the soil in the planting hole after transplanting. Then use it again 2-to-3 times at two week intervals: use at same frequency when reviving stressed or damaged plants. To improve your results, we highly recommend combining SUPERthrive with Sea Com-PGR liquid seaweed to give plants the synergistic boost that occurs when using the two products together. You'll be astounded how quickly plants rebound from damage and stress to begin active growth. A little goes a long way; mix 1/4 tsp. per gallon of water. One 2-0z. bottle treats 48 gallons of water. SUPERthrive is not a fertilizer but can be added to liquid fertilizers to improve root uptake of the nutrients.