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Guanokalong Sweet Bat  - organic flowering fertilizer in granular form

Guanokalong Sweet Bat is a flowering fertilizer in granular form and is intended for growers and urban gardeners who want to improve their yields and harvest quality in a natural way. The raw materials used in the product are purely organic and nourish both the plants and the microorganisms in the soil. Sweet Bat is a PK fertilizer that follows nature's nutritional principle of "feed by need", giving your plants the space to develop their full potential.

Sugar Cane Powder (made from sugar cane molasses) and the highly effective High Phos Powder made from mineralized bat guano are used to produce Sweet Bat. This combination provides the plants with an extremely valuable nutritional basis and at the same time feeds the microorganisms living in the substrate. The molasses is a quickly accessible source of energy for the plant and the soil organisms. The high-quality phosphorus strengthens the plant from the roots to the tips of the leaves and flowers. It also stimulates and supports flower formation. Micronutrients and enzymes help to keep the plant and the soil at a strong performance level. The potassium it contains optimizes the water retention of the plants and calcium strengthens their cell walls.

Guanokalong Sweet Bat strengthens soil life and plants from the ground up. Stress, which can damage plants, is reduced and pathogens such as harmful bacteria and fungi find it more difficult to cause damage. Overall, the health and performance of the entire system increases. This ultimately leads to better overall quality, a more intense aroma and flavor, and a higher yield.

Sweet Bat is easy to use and can be used indoors or outdoors. When used in pots or trays, mix approximately 8 grams of granules per liter of substrate at the beginning of the flowering period. Later, in the fourth week, another 8 grams per liter of soil are distributed around the plant and raked in.
Outdoors, the product is generally only raked in. Around 100 grams per plant are used for this and the granules should be raked in around the plant stem. The manufacturer recommends applying these nutrients in April, June and August.

Guanokalong Sweet Bat is:
- Organic flower fertilizer made from Sugar Cane Powder and High Phos Powder
- NPK value: 0 - 10 - 10
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
- Suitable for soil and coco-soil mixtures
- Fertilizer in granule form for easy dosing
- Stimulates root growth and revitalizes the soil
- Quickly available source of energy for plants and microorganisms
- Supplies the plant with phosphorus and potassium
- Contains many micronutrients such as calcium
- Ensures more stable cell walls in the plant
- Improves the plant's water balance
- Improves the quality, aroma and taste of the harvest
- Increases the harvest yield

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