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GHE- Terra Aquatica RAINFOREST2® 6 incs 12 Volt

GHE- Terra Aquatica RAINFOREST2® 6 incs 12 Volt
With the second generation Rainforest series it is possible to grow in 2, 3 or 6 inch (5, 7.5 and 15 cm) pots, allowing plant varieties of different sizes to be planted in an optimal space. The smaller the pot, the greater number of pots the tray can hold: 36 for the 2” model, 18 for the 3” model and 6 for the 6” Rainforest2 format.
Product code
291.17 € excl. VAT
358.14 €Price incl. VAT
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Covers available with different sized growing spaces for maximum flexibility. With the second generation Rainforest series it is possible to grow in 2, 3 or 6 inch (5, 7.5 and 15 cm) pots, allowing plant varieties of different sizes to be planted in an optimal space. The smaller the pot, the greater number of pots the tray can hold: 36 for the 2” model, 18 for the 3” model and 6 for the 6” Rainforest2 format. EcoGrower – Reliable, Effective and Efficient Drip Feed Modules An easy way to grow small and medium-sized plants from cutting to maturity in a single unit. Use the same unit from the cutting to the adult plant without the need to use heavy substrates Large tank capacity helps stabilize pH AquaFarm® style level tube allows easy direct access to nutrient solution for testing Available with 6 6” growing spaces
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