• Homegrow- center
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    Mobil: +421 944 588 746
    IP telefon: +421 363 700 022
    Mon - Fri:: 9:00 - 17:00
  • 1 pcs
    in 35.88 €
EcoGrower by Terra Aquatica is a drip recirculation system working with an air pump and a spider web water distribution system installed on the innovative hexagonal tank. Includes 6 15cm diameter pots that allow the cultivation of large, medium and small sized plants. The system measures 63cm hexagonal and 43cm high. EcoGrower includes: 1 65L tank; 1 octopus distribution system; 1 pumping column; 1 ring/lid; 6 inserts; 6 black container vases; 1 air pump; 1 air line; Detailed instruction booklet.
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