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At some point in any growing system, fertiliser residue will build up as a natural part of the growing process. Salt build-up can block drippers, create build-ups on the top of the soil or substrate, and eventually cause your plants undue stress and even root damage.

FlashClean® is specifically designed to dissolve mineral salts. It releases the nutrient bonds between minerals and substrate and allows you to rinse off excess residue. This release also helps the plant to make the most of the remaining fertiliser, especially in the crucial week just before the harvest.

FlashClean is not an acid base product, it's not enzyme-based and it doesn't add magnesium or other mineral additives to your system. FlashClean give your system and your plants a clean start at any time and at any stage of the growing process.

It doesn't matter what type of growing system you use - indoor or outdoor, soilless or hydroponic, pots or garden beds - FlashClean® is easy to use. Just mix with pH balanced water and apply.

FlashClean® solves these problems and more:

  • Dissolves accumulated fertiliser salts

  • Improves nutrient balance

  • Treats nutrient lock out

  • Supports microbial life and freshens soil and coco

  • Maximising final stage growth (especially with FinalPart®)

How to use:

In recirculating hydroponic systems:
After nutrient burn or lock-out: Drain old nutrient solution, add 1.5 to 3 ml/l FlashClean® to pH adjusted water (you don't need to use a full tank, just enough to circulate freely and run the system). Circulate for 24 hours before draining and adding fresh nutrient solution. Use the lower dosage for young plants and the higher dosage for established plants.
Final Flush (after FinalPart®): drain old nutrient solution, add 1.5 to 3 ml/l FlashClean® to pH adjusted water (you don't need to use a full tank, just enough to circulate freely and run the system). Circulate for the last two days before harvest.

In potting soil & soilless mixes inc. Coco Coir :
To reset before changing nutrients (inc. before FinalPart®), and after nutrient burn: every 15 days (or when needed after lock out etc), fill a watering can with fresh pH adjusted water and add 1.5 to 3 ml/L of FlashClean®. Drench until there is runoff from the bottom of the pot. 
Final flush: use 3 ml/L during the last two days before harvest 

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