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Ensures a strong and vigorous plant

For the environmentally conscious grower, this booster is the perfect addition to optimise the growing season and produce a strong, robust plant.

This liquid organo-mineral nutrient has been developed as organic farming has gained popularity. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the overall development of the plant and will ensure robust growth.

ATA NRG GROWTH-C can be used on

Various types of vegetables, fruit and herbs such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, cucumber, coriander, chives, etc. The required dosage can be measured according to the needs of the individual plant or crop.

Directions of use

Add to nutrient solution or as a foliar spray to prevent or correct deficiencies. Can be used during the growth and flowering phases of the crop. Suitable for all substrates and growing media. Do not use in irrigation systems!


3 - 5 ml per litre of water.

Spray: 1 - 3 ml per litre of water (spray under the leaves).

NPK 2-3-5 W/W

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